If you found me by accident or searched for me, I’m glad you’re here and welcome!
Have you noticed that maneuvering through life is like raising children? Once you’re comfortable with how the first one is turning out, the second one comes with a whole new set of rules, and you don’t get to see the manual till they’re grown up. Likewise, when we think we have life figured out, something changes the course. If you are a person who is close to Jesus, you see these changes as His direction, even if you kick and scream at the unfairness of it. Human nature balks at His severe methods of turning us around. Only after all is said and done do we come to see His grace and mercy in our hardships.
This is where “Detours” comes from, a realization that God is dead serious when he says My ways are not your ways, your thoughts are not My thoughts.
So, I was thinking deeply about this when the thought of writing a book began to creep into my conscientiousness. Write a book? Are you kidding me? I don’t know how to write a book. But still, I wrote down about a dozen situations where a turn of events can turn your life around.
That’s when a friend of mine said, “You know, Doris. Given your life experience, you should write a book. And when you do, I’d like to be the one to read it for you.” Wow! An offer I couldn’t refuse! It took about two weeks for “Detours” to come alive, and while she was reviewing it, I wrote two more stories and started a fourth. You’ll see those later.
My office is really a shrine to Noah. I have about 200 little arks filling every available space. I love this room because of God’s promises that surround me – you can trust Me, and I will take care of you. Like Noah, I am not a young person, and it’s kind of late in life to be taking on this project. But unlike Noah, I’m not THAT old. We’ll see where the Lord leads.
I love having you on this journey with me. Feel free to comment, sign up for my email letter, or (ahem) buy a book. Reader House is a good place to do that.
Till we meet again, God bless.